Right now, there is a finite amount of time between this very moment and the end of your life.


It’s strange to consider, and even stranger to comprehend. But it’s true. However, we’re not here to talk about death. We’re here to talk about life — about how you spend all those moments.

A lot of us have a tendency to go fast. To walk fast, talk fast, drive fast, etc. We’re always rushing, but what for? Where is this finish line that we’re all sprinting towards? See above.

When it comes down to it, there is going somewhere and then there is gliding nowhere. Going somewhere is rushing. It is disregarding the moment, eyes fixed on that imaginary finish line. Gliding nowhere is beautiful, aimless and free. It is enjoying the moment for what it is — not worrying about what’s next. It is timeless and zen and powerful.

And there are many means to help you glide. Old cars. Longboards. Even just a simple shift in perspective. This is a simple reminder to rid yourself of unnecessary urgency. To take your time and enjoy the ride.


Photography by Alice Vedrine & Thibaut Spoe Paruite